Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) is a group of schools for capable students prevalently from rural zone in India. It centrality lies in the selection of intelligent students from rural areas as the group of targets and the endeavor to furnish them with quality education as compared to the best in a residential educational system.

Admission to Class VI and Class IX of the JNVs requires qualifying the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST), an entrance test structured, created and directed by the CBSE. JNVST for Class VI is conducted every year throughout the nation to choose 80 most meritorious students for each Navodaya Vidyalaya.

Criteria for all Candidates:

Sex – Girls / Boys

Eligible Region – The district =where Navodaya Vidyalaya has been opened are eligible to apply.

Age Limit – 13 years – 16 years

Class – The candidate must study in class 5th where the Vidyalaya is situated.

Note – A candidate can apply only once and is not allowed to sit second time for the exam.

Eligibility Criterion for Rural Candidates:

  • Class – The candidate from rural division must have completed studies in 3rd, 4th and 5th from Government/Government Aided/Government recognized school(s) located in rural areas.
  • Details: Candidates under the NIOS scheme should provide their rural status certificate provided by District Magistrate / Tehsildar / Block Development Officer.
  • Note: 75% seats of the district are filled by rural area candidates and remaining 25% seats by candidates from urban areas.

Eligibility Criterion for Urban Candidates:

Any student who has studied in the classes 3rd, 4th and 5th in a school located in the urban area regualrly is considered as an urban candidate.

Eligibility Criteria for Transgender Candidates:

There are no different seats reserved for transgender’s candidates. They are included under boys’ category under sub-categories such as Rural, Urban, SC, ST and Divyang.

The exam pattern for Class 6th is mentioned below:

  • The test is objective based
  • OMR based paper
  • Duration for the exam is 2 Hrs
  • The candidate must pass in each individual subject
  • There are no negative markings
Subject Questions Marks Duration Weightage
Mental Ability 40 50 60 Min 50%
Arithmetic 20 25 30 Min 25%
Language 20 25 30 Min 25%
Total 80 100 120


The exam pattern for Class 9th is mentioned below:

  • The exam is objective and descriptive type
  • Medium of paper is English and Hindi
  • Duration of the exam is 3 Hrs
  • There are no negative markings
Subject Marks
English 15
Hindi 15
Maths 35
Science 35
Total 100

The exam syllabus for Class 6th is mentioned below:

Mental Ability:

  • Odd one out
  • Figure matching
  • Figure series completion
  • Pattern completion
  • Analogy
  • Mirror images
  • Geometrical Figure Completion
  • Space visualization
  • Punched Hold Pattern-Folding/unfolding
  • Embedded figures


Number and numeric system, Four fundamental operations on whole number, Fractional number and four fundamental operations on them, Factors and multiple including their properties, LCM and HCF of numbers, Decimals and fundamental operations on them, Profit and loss, Simple interest, Distance, time and speed, Conversion of fractions to decimals and vice – versa, Applications of number in measure length, mass, capacity, time, money etc., Approximation of expressions, Simplification of Numerical Expressions, Percentage and its applications, Perimeter, area and volume


  • Comprehension passage
  • Grammar

The exam syllabus for Class 9th is mentioned below:


  • Comprehension Passage or Unseen Passage,
  • Spelling
  • One-word substitution
  • Para-jumbled
  • Word and Sentence Structure
  • Tense
  • Speech
  • Modal Auxiliaries
  • Degrees
  • Use of Prepositions
  • Voice, etc.


Number System (Rational, Whole numbers, etc), cube and cube roots, direct and inverse proportions, Square and square roots, exponents and powers, Profit and Loss, Percentage, Loss, Discount, Proportions: Direct and Inverse, Interest: Simple and Compound, Algebraic Expressions and Identities including factorization, Data Handling: Bar Graphs, Pie Chart, linear equations in one variable, Probability, Organizing Data, Mensuration: Area of Plane Figures, Surface Area, Cuboid and Cylinder, Understanding Quadrilaterals: Parallelogram, Volume of Cube, squares, rhombus, rectangle, kite, etc.


Food, Crop Production and its Management, Food Preservation, Microorganism, Materials I – Plastics, Synthetic Fibers, Material II: Coal, Petroleum, Fossil Fuels, Refining of Petroleum, Metal and non-metals, Living and non-living things, Combustion and Flame, Various States of Materials, Cell Structure and Function, Conservation of Plants and Animals: Wildlife Sanctuary and National Parks, various stages of human and reaching age of adolescence, Reproduction System: Asexual and sexual reproduction, Various Forces like Frictional and Gravitational force, Pressure and thrust, multiple reflection, human eye and its care, Light: Reflection of light, Sound, human ears, Loudness and Pitch, Electric current and its chemical effects, Electroplating, Audible and inaudible sounds, Pollution of Water and air, Natural Phenomena: Lighting, Stars and constellations, earthquakes, Solar system, Planets etc.


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