ACC stands for Army Cadet College , is an institution which selects and trains regular army soldiers to become an officer in Indian army.

The selection for admission to ACC is based on a written test and subsequent selection via service selection board. The nature of training at ACC is same as that of the NDA and ACC candidates complete there 3 years degree course while training.

Education Requirement : 10 + 2

Training : Four Yrs. (there 3 years in ACC wing & One Year t IMA)

Age : 26 Years

Martial Status : Married or Unmarried

Army Cadets college (ACC) trains soldiers serving in the Army, Navy & Air Force to become officers.

ACC exam syllabus and paper is divided into four parts.

Tentative Vacancies Per Course 300 (Twice a year) or As notified from time to time
Army – 195
Air Force – 66
Navy – 39
Notification in Employment News/ leading daily news Paper/ UPSC website Jun and Dec as Notified by UPSC
Age Between 16 ½ to 19 ½ yrs as of first day of the month in which course is due to commence.
Qualification 12th Class of 10+2 System of Education. Maths and Physics are compulsory for Air force and Navy. Commerce and Arts students can apply for army.
Sex Male candidates only. Women cannot apply for NDA.
Marital Status Un Married
Likely SSB Date Sep to Oct and Jan to Apr
Date Commencement of Training Jan and Jul
Training Academy NDA , Khadakwasla, Pune
Duration of Training 3 Yrs at NDA and 1 Yrs at IMA(For Army cadets)/
3 Yrs at NDA and 1 Yrs at Naval Academy( for Naval cadets)/
3 Yrs at NDA and 1 & ½ Yrs at AFA Hyderabad (For AF cadets)
Sr. No. SUBJECT Topic Covered Time MARKS No. Ques.
1. General Mental Ability Test a) Reasoning Ability 3 Hours 150 marks 75 Ques.
b) Non Verbal reasons 30 marks 15 Ques.
c) Numerical Ability 120 marks 60 Ques.
2. Current General Awareness a) India / world 3 Hours 300 marks 150 Ques
3. Interactive Communicative English a) Objective Type 1 Hour 120 marks 60 Ques.
b) Descriptive Type 180 marks
4. Academic Content Test a) Mathematics 3 Hours 100 marks 50 Ques.
b) General Sciences 100 marks 50 Ques.
c) Humanities 100 marks 50 Ques.

Make sure to stay focused and prepare for the entrance exam well. Mentioned below is the syllabus for Army Cadet College – ACC entrance exam.


This paper is conducted to check the candidate’s intellectual ability. This includes two kind of questions which has Argument and data Sufficiency. It consists of 150 questions of 2 marks each. The sections in this mentioned below:

  1. Reasoning Ability (Verbal): 75 questions: 150 Marks
  2. Non – verbal Reasoning: 15 questions: 30 Marks
  3. Numerical Ability: 60 questions: 120 Marks


This is conducted to test the general awarness of the candidate’s environment around him and its application to society. This includes current general scenarios, mental ability and military awarness. This test consists of 150 objective types questions which of 2 marks each.


This is conducted to test the communication skills and the understanding and knowledge of the English language. This is made up of 2 parts. Part – I consists of 120 objective types qeuestions of one hour for 1 mark each. Part II is descriptive type questions for 180 marks for duration of two hours.


This is a common paper for Mathematics, General Science and Humanities.This conists of total of 150 objective type questions of 3 marks each. The marks distribution for each is as mentioned below:

  1. Section A: Mathematics: 50 Questions: 100 Marks
  2. Section B: General Science: 50 Questions:100 Marks
  3. Section C: Humanities: 50 Questions: 100 Marks

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